Tes5edit for skyrim special edition
Tes5edit for skyrim special edition


If GetLoadOrder(GetFile(ref)) ModLoadOrder then begin Procedure UpdateReferences(e: IInterface ModLoadOrder: integer) referencing (assuming plugin is loaded at index 01). Which references water, after applying script it would become Too so they must already exist in a plugin.įor example if you have an override of worldspace record Error during Applying script "Make new records from overrides": Error in unit 'OverridesToNewRecords' on line 21 : Type mismatchĬonvert overrides into new records, all references are updated with reindexed FormIDs Exception in unit line -1: Error in unit 'OverridesToNewRecords' on line 21 : Type mismatch Updating ref: REFR \ NAME - Base \ _SNSnowDriftL02 "Snow" Override to new record: (places _SNSnowDriftL02 "Snow" in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of (in DLC2SolstheimWorld "Solstheim" at 16,16)) Start: Applying script "Make new records from overrides"


I need to use the "Make New Record From Overrides" script in SSEdit to fix a mod with large ref problems. There has to be an easier way to locate Objects within 圎dit with their reference IDs from the in game console command for modding and making patches. Am I missing something? it is nowhere to be found with a search through 圎dit, even with every MOD loaded.


There is a gaggle of buckets floating out over the water on the docks and I want to patch items like this to be disabled or moved when using this MOD. It took me 20 minutes to locate it.Įxample: I am running The Great City of Solitude SSE, and I want to make a patch. But, it's nearly impossible to locate items through 圎dit like this. It seems to be the first couple of characters in the reference ID that are different and every other character after that, matches. If I dig down further and locate the object I find the reference ID in 圎dit is slightly different than the ID acquired in game using the command console. Then I exit the game and pull up 圎dit and search that ID in the MOD (or even my entire MOD List) and there is no matching ID. I bring up Console Command in game and click on an object to acquire its Reference ID. I am trying to figure out this Reference ID dilemma. I am trying to make a patch and eventually start making Patches for the Skyrim AE community. Now, the only orange line I've got is for Hearthfiresextended, and I've been told previously to ignore that one. AND, the Sort Masters trick fixed all three!! (dunno why I couldn't get it to work for hours yesterday). AND, since I was working from the bottom of the errors up, not top down like earlier, I was FINALLY able to run Sort Masters trick on all three files (Step Extended, BetterQuestObjectives-PaarDilemmaPatch and then BetterQusetObjectives-NECPatch). However, this morning, I was finally able to run the Sort Masters fix on STEP Extended Patch, and that fixed it. I had gotten this on my previous run, ran the TES5Edit Fix (mentioned earlier) to Sort Masters, and everything straightened out. I ALSO get an orange line on STEP Extended Patch.esp.

tes5edit for skyrim special edition

ran LOOT, again, and got the identical orange on the last two lines above. I uninstalled Even Better Quest Objectives, and the STEP Compilation.

tes5edit for skyrim special edition

WryeBash shows:īoth of the latter two are marked Orange, as it STEP Extended Patch. Yes, I ran LOOT! Holding my mouse over the plugin the only message I get is "Categories: immersion". Apparently, it's just not as crystal clear to me as it apparently is to everyone else.and I DO try to figure out where best to post first. Again, I misread the index on where to post.

Tes5edit for skyrim special edition